Friday, August 05, 2005

Poll: Two Thirds Say Media Have Bias

SPUD NOTES: Even though we already know in our bones how bad the ultra-left-wing-liberal media truly is, it appears we are not alone.

These excerpts are from the Media Research Council article. Click the headline to read it in full:

Newly released findings from a May poll, conducted by Gannett's First Amendment Center in Nashville, discovered that an overwhelming 64 percent disagree with the statement that "the news media tries to report the news without bias." Only half as many, 33 percent, agree, down six percentage points from last year. And 65 percent agree that "the falsifying or making up of stories in the American news media is a widespread problem."

If you wonder how journalists can live in denial about bias and public distrust of the media, check out how the August/September American Journalism Review magazine headlined its story about the poll results. With a big "69%" in the background, the magazine's headline over a three-page article declared, "A Source of Encouragement: A new First Amendment Center/AJR survey finds that 69 percent of the public thinks journalists should be allowed to keep a news source confidential."

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